
Recumbent: Headset

According to the plan, I created two little aluminium plates. I drilled some holes in them to attach the plates to the frame. Thereafter, I had to make a big opening to fit the front fork. This went terribly wrong. I drilled a circle of small holes of which I intended to make one big opening. The hole however, wasn't a circle. So I had to start again.

I created a new plate and drilled the holes again. Now I carefully removed the inner circle of the big opening and polished long enough to create a beautifull circle. Using some soap, I mounted the ring. Then I had to repeat the process to create the other half (one is mounted above and the other beneath the frame).

To find out if it all fits together, I assembled the frame along with the front fork and wheel. The project is in progress!

After finishing these metal parts, I milled the frame to the plates fit nice. Last but not least, I expoxied the plates to the frame and secured them with four screws each.

Next step will be mounting a rear brake.

Keep on cycling!